Our Mission

The purpose of the Froebel Foundation USA is to preserve the history of the Froebel kindergarten and to promote the educational ideas of Friedrich Froebel to the world at large. We want to hear from others who are working toward the same goal, so that we communicate the message to the widest audience possible.

Please call, fax or email us at the numbers below.

Froebel USA
O-78 Leonard St NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534
Toll-free: 888-573-3436

Volume 1 - Issue 2

Korea Trip

Mr. Chung, chairman of Korea-Froebel, recently invited Scott Bultman from the Froebel Foundation USA to visit Seoul, Korea. The visit was a great success and has provided a model for how to revive the Froebel kindergarten here in North America.
Korean society is very family-centered and their interest in early education provides a great opportunity for Froebelian education. For over 25 years, Korea-Froebel has been providing Froebel materials and in-home teaching with trained tutors. In fact, the teacher training is one of the most impressive aspects of their operation. Korea-Froebel has over 1000 Froebel tutors across the country.
read the entire article here

Locus of Control as a Tool for Historians

Dorothy W. Hewes, Ph.D.
The psychological theory called locus of control, proposed by Julian Rotter in the 1950s, can provide historians with a framework to trace the waxing and waning of educational systems. Since it refers to the expectations individuals hold about whether they can accomplish goals or cause change by their own actions, its characteristics are referred to as Internal/External or abbreviated as IE. Those with an Internal locus have independent judgement and establish their own goals. Conversely, those with an External locus feel that outcomes are a function of chance or luck, or are preordained by powerful authorities ‹ governmental, celestial, or spiritual. Analysis of IE control expectancies at different times, in different places, and by different theorists, can be utilized by historians studying early childhood education.
read the entire article here

Board Meeting

The Froebel Foundation USA (www.froebelfoundation.org) conducted its first board meeting in Grand Rapids on June 5th. This was the first meeting of the prospective members (Scott & Peter Bultman, Leta Stathacos, John McLaughlin, Dorothy Hewes, Betsey Hamm and Diane Herbruck). Introductions were made, formal procedures and policies were discussed and a mission statement was created. The annual meeting date was set for April 21st, to coincide with Froebelıs birthday. It was also agreed that we would conduct business through electronic discussions via the internet.


Thank you to Beth Bishop for introducing us to the work of Bradford Hansen-Smith and his Wholemovement books. For those interested in geometrical paper-folding, this is an exciting new area to be explored. A sculptor, Hansen-Smith began folding circular paper as a way to expand his understanding of form and design. Now his ideas are playing an important role in expanding origami and the Froebel occupations.

available online

New Froebel Books

We are pleased to announce the reprinting of several classic Froebel kindergarten texts and the publication of Dorothy Hewes' new book on W. N. Hailmann. These books are invaluable to the study of Froebelıs ideas and necessary for the revival of his methods. We hope to publish many more titles in the coming years.

available online

Gift 1 Available Soon

One exciting benefit of the recent Korea trip was that Uncle Goose Toys is now able to import the Gift 1 balls at a competitive price. Uncle Goose should be selling Gift 1 in North America by the middle of August. An exact sale price is not known at this time, but visit the FroebelUSA.com website for more information.


Cate Cochran of the CBC radio program "This Week" recently interviewed Norman Brosterman, Barbara Corbett and Scott Bultman for an upcoming radio documentary on the Froebel kindergarten. Brostermanıs book continues to introduce new people like Cate Cochran to this important history of education. Listen for this program to air sometime this Fall on the Canadian CBC family of radio stations.


An exhibit of Froebel materials at The Grand Rapids Public Art Museum will open on September 4, 2001. This exhibit is set to coincide with the Frank Lloyd Wright light screens collection travelling around North America for the next two years. The GRAM Froebel exhibit will be in place for 18 months and feature historic materials, hands-on activities for children and demonstrations of Froebelian methods for educators and parents. Email us for more information about specific events.

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